You will receive a form from Gloucestershire County Council in November the year before your child is due to start school requesting you to choose your first four preferences of schools. This form needs to be sent back to the Gloucestershire County Council by early January. It is important you do not miss the deadline date for returning the form so that you do not miss out on the school of your choice.
You will then be notified which school your child has been allocated around Easter time.
Details can be found on the County Council's website:
We currently have a waiting list for in year admissions but would be happy to discuss your needs with you. Further guidance about applying for a school space outside the normal application period can be found by following the link above. The in year admission for is attached below.
School Admission Appeals
It is very important that a fair and independent process is in place for parents to appeal against decisions made by an admissions authority. Parents can also ask for their child to be admitted to any school in any school term. For example if a family has recently moved home. However, only one appeal per child for a particular school is allowed in each school year. Please see the attached guidance should you wish to lodge an appeal.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding admissions. If you would like to visit us please telephone the school office on 01242 234717 (option 1) and ask for Mrs Wintle to arrange a suitable time, alternatively you can email Mrs Wintle directly on [email protected]