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The Governing Body oversees the school’s management and aims to ensure that all children at the school get the best possible education and are able to make the most of all the opportunities that come their way.

Our Governors make themselves available to come into the school to find out how things are going, visit at least one class, chat with staff and answer any questions relating to the school.

This page is designed to ensure you can recognise who our Governors are, which sub-committee they are assigned to and also to learn a little more about them. If there is something you would like to bring to the Governors’ attention, you are welcome to talk to any member or to email [email protected] 

Benhall Infant School Governing Body's constitution maximises the potential for recruiting Governors with a broad base of skills which are needed to run an effective Governing Body.

The Governing Body is made up of:

  1. 2 elected Parent Governors
  2. 1 elected Staff Governor
  3. 1 Local Authority Governor
  4. 1 Headteacher
  5. Up to 7 Co-opted Governors 

The current Governing Body is:

  1. Tim Aldred and Amy Spring-Wallis
  2. Vacancy
  3. Vicky Carter
  4. Nicky Morris
  5. Judith Price, Laura Stevenson,  Michelle Cant,  Clare Whitcomb, Samantha Lawes, Richard Da Gama

Joint Chair of Governors – Laura Stevenson and Amy Spring-Wallis

Clerk to Governors – Julie Evans

School Governing Body

The Full Governing Body aim to meet six times per year, once each school term with an additional meeting each year in term 2 to finalise the School Development Plan. Our Finance and General Purposes Committee also meets six times per year, once each school term.  Governors also carry out regular monitoring visits throughout the school year. Working parties are convened on a temporary basis as and when necessary to address particular issues.

Full Governing Body Aim

Benhall governors work in partnership with the Headteacher & school staff to promote high standards of educational achievement. Through our three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring and evaluation, we aim to ensure our school provides an exciting environment where pupils enjoy learning, feel safe and secure and can achieve their full potential.