Dear Parents,
At parents' evenings this week, we really enjoyed sharing how well your children have settled into their new classes. Thank you to everyone who came. We hope that you found the time with your child's teacher(s) useful.
Working in partnership with parents is an important factor in how successful children are during their education.
We continue to look at ways you can be involved in the life of our school. Opportunities currently on offer are
- Tapestry, which is used to share information about your child's learning. Please check your child's account regularly. Remember to post anything your child is proud of at home. We love hearing what the children are doing as Purple Learners outside the classroom so that we can celebrate them at school.
- Parent Pop-Ins allow you to come into the classroom and spend time looking at your child's books. The children love to talk about their learning with you.
-Parent events are an opportunity to spend a longer period of time sharing in a learning opportunity at school or in the local area. Popular events include a reading café, litterpicking in the park, craft and a sponsored Mini-Marathon.
-Sports Day and Performances are times to cheer on your child. Be prepared to join in our Sports Day activities alongside your child.
-Volunteering on a school trip. We always need extra adults to allow us to access learning or extracurricular curricular activities off site. Thank you to everyone who supported KS1 during their trip to the Literature Festival today.
-Finally, have you thought about joining the PTA or supporting one of their events? They raise valuable funds that impact so positively on all of our children from Pre-School to year 2. If you want to find out more about how you can support the PTA, please reach out on your class WhatsApp group, drop an email to or follow them on the Benhall PTA Facebook page.
Love from Miss Morris and the team