PTA News
At our recent PTA meeting we had a discussion with regards to road safety. All of those present agreed that we are concerned about the standards of driving and parking along Robert Burns Avenue, particularly around drop-off and pickup time. Ultimately we are all stakeholders in this community and we feel, as a group, this issue is one of utmost importance.
We have agreed, with school, they are going to run a road safety awareness event and we, the PTA, will be fundraising specifically for funds to spend on road safety signs/banners, requested by school, to keep the area safe. We are looking to purchase at least a couple of little people signs to place in the school entrance, these cost £180 each, if anyone would like to donate specifically to this endeavour please contact the PTA by email, similarly if your workplace would like to sponsor one please let us know.
The road safety day will take place, in school, next term. We will, at the same time, be organising a fundraising event, with the assistance of the children, to raise funds to be used to raise awareness and hopefully make the area safer. If there is an excess in these funds the funds will be ring fenced, within the PTA budget, to renew and replace in the future.
Can we, the PTA, also make a plea to all parents to please drive a park sensibly in and around the community, please bear in mind we have lots of little people and their safety, we are sure, is all of our priorities. This affects everyone.