Dear Parents,
We have had a wonderful first week back at school. We were thrilled to host 4 teaching students across Reception and Year 1. This is their first placement, and we are looking forward to working with them over the next few weeks and setting them off on this incredible career journey.
On the first Saturday of the holiday, Benhall was full of joy. Our fabulous PTA hosted their first Scarecrow Trail.
19 scarecrows appeared at school, on the roads around school and at Benhall Park. Firm favourites were Gru and the Minions, Superworm and the BFG! They were all incredible and the children enjoyed seeing them in the playground this week.
Back at school, there were Autumn crafts, refreshments and the opportunity to play in the sunshine. The event attracted families from school and the wider area.
A huge thank you to Kelly Ballantine for coming up with the idea and co-ordinating the event with the expert assistance of Michelle Cant and Kelly Davies. The event raised over £2000. They were celebrated in assembly this morning as our adult purple learners of the week.
We have had a really positive response to the emails sent to local councillors and the Highways department at GCC about recent concerns about parking and the number of near misses on the roads outside school. You will have seen a new member of our Benhall family out at the entrance to school this week. Thank you Sam D's family for donating our new green friend - please take heed of his message to slow down and park considerately when dropping off and collecting your children.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Love from Miss Morris and the team