Dear Parents,
This week the Senior Leadership Team have been reviewing everything we do at Benhall and asking the question - what is the impact of this for the children. We were delighted to see how passionate our subject leads are about their subjects and all that they are doing to raise the profile of their subject around school and ensure the children have access to quality teaching and learning in all areas of the curriculum. The children are telling us that they enjoy their learning and can talk with confidence about their new knowledge and skills.
Mrs Aitken and I met with our fabulous Pre-School team last night to introduce Little Wandle Letters and Sounds so that the benefits of our phonic scheme can begin at Pre-School. We both came away feeling really privileged to have such a dedicated and experienced team ensuring that all of our pre-school children have the best possible start to their learning journey.
This morning the children blew me away with how they showed respect for the people who have represented our country in times of conflict. We showed the children a clip from cbeebies if you would like to watch it with them at home.
Love from Miss Morris and team xx