Pre School News
In Pre-School this week our theme has been learning about ‘Julia Donaldson’ stories. We have had a ‘Gruffalo,’ a ‘Squash and a Squeeze,’ ‘Sharing a shell’ and ‘Tyrannosaurus Drip’ story telling trays for the children to explore and retell the stories. In both groups we had a challenge to see how many we could ‘squash’ and ‘squeeze,’ under a table with surprising results. We have talked about being kind to one another and the importance of taking turns and sharing just as the Hermit Crab found out in ‘Sharing a Shell’. In the story ‘Superworm,’ he is super-long, so the children measured worms using rulers and tape measures, exploring different lengths and understanding how we measure things. In story ‘Room on a Broom,’ there is lots of rhyming so we have been by doing lots of ‘Silly Soup,’ which involves putting objects or pictures into a bowl rhyming and exploring their initial sound. In Tyrannosaurus Drip the children have enjoyed playing with a variety of dinosaurs, and in the story ‘The Smeds & Smoos,’ the children have enjoyed playing with the rocket and counting the aliens. In gold family we have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Arthur. Next week we explore and enjoy more ‘Julia Donaldson’ stories. Have a lovely weekend, The Pre-School Team.