Dear Parents,
Happy New Year to you all, we hope that you had a lovely Christmas break and were able to enjoy the festivities with all those you love. It has been wonderful to have the children back in school with us this week and we are delighted with how they have come back in with their "purple learner" enthusiasm for their learning.
Our reception children have been out and about this week, enjoying a muddy welly walk to Benhall Park. The whole reception team were so proud of them and I was especially proud to receive a phonecall from a local resident telling me how impressed they had been with the way the children were walking to the park - "ready, respectful and safe." Thank you to the parents who joined us on the walk, without you it would not have been possible.
In assemblies this week we have been focusing on New Beginnings. With this in mind we will be focusing on school routines including appearance. Please take time to look at the uniform requirements and class routines that are at the bottom of this letter.
Love from Miss Morris and team xx