Dear Parents,
Dear Parents,
We have enjoyed another shorter week in school this week, but are all agreed that we prefer having all 5 days to learn together. We are extremely proud of how hard all of our children and staff work to be the best that they can be.
During assembly this morning we celebrated our purple learners who have demonstrated that effort is the key, from focusing really hard in Little Wandle, to perfecting their letter formation. Our purple learners have been persevering when work got tricky and encouraging each other to complete a task.
Year 1 are our year in focus this week and this morning they wowed us all with how confidently they shared their knowledge and skills - we heard about tackling maths problems, tracing dinosaurs, and comparing Lyme Regis with Cheltenham. Miss Bilton and I spent the whole day popping in and out of year 1 classes yesterday and it was clear to see how engaged the children were in their learning - thank you to the teaching staff in year 1 who give the children all of these opportunities.
Love from Miss Morris and team xx