Dear Parents,
Oh my goodness me! What a wonderful week we have had at Benhall Infant and Pre-School this week. We have had the opportunity to spend time, not just with the wonderful children but also with so many parents. Thank you to everyone who has been able to join us over the last few days.
Over at Pre-School, we welcomed new parents for the New Intake Evenings on Monday and Tuesday evening and then welcomed the parents and children for a stay and play session on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday morning, our pre-school dads were treated to breakfast with their children - what a treat!
Our new reception children enjoyed time in their new classes on Wednesday afternoon. It was lovely to see how well they came into school and a good time was had by all. Back to our current reception year group. They had a marvellous time at their parent event - picnic and art at Benhall Park. Read all about it below!
There was high drama in school this morning, when I came to try on my new shoes and they were covered in salad vegetables. Luckily, the year ones and their parents knew exactly what had happened - Evil Pea has struck again! Much excitement followed on the playground when parents, children and staff set to work to build a trap for the Evil Pea. Fingers crossed he is caught soon!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Love from Miss Morris and team xx