Dear Parents,
When people outside our Benhall family ask me about my job as Headteacher at Benhall, I always tell them how grateful I am that I work at such a special school. As we embark on a new school year, I am always excited (and slightly nervous) about what is in store for us all. Over the last two weeks, I have been reminded once again just how wonderful it is to lead and teach at Benhall because of everything that happens on a day to day basis.
In just two weeks our new children at pre-school and school have demonstrated just how much they love Benhall. Whenever I visit the classrooms, they are busy building relationships with each other and their teachers. They are experiencing new things and learning how to be purple learners.
For the rest of the school, well they are smashing it! They have confidently transitioned to their new classes and are learning new knowledge and skills all of the time.
So far this term, I have had conversations with scientists from year 2 who were busy categorising animals, designers from year 2 who were busy designing traps for Peter Rabbit who seems to be enjoying digging holes in gardens across Benhall, artists from year 1 who have been painting a colour monster, mathematicians from year 1 who are investigating the most accurate ways to count and bakers from reception who have collected blackberries so they can bake a blackberry crumble.
The team have been talking about the "Big Wins" as part of their various staff meetings this week. Some of my favourites are that there is a lovely atmosphere around school, the new staff teams are enjoying the opportunity to work with different colleagues this year, that the children are actively talking about how they are showing the purple learning challenge and the children's previous teacher has prepared them well for the next stage of the learning journey.
We wish you all a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Love from Miss Morris and team xx