Dear Parents,
We have had another busy week at Benhall this week and we really enjoyed celebrating all that is special about our school with the prospective parents who attended our open mornings. We have had many messages since the tours praising the children and their teachers. Every single person in the school was just doing what we always do and that is loving learning together.
We also had a visit from a representative from the local authority who meets with Miss Morris and the Governors annually. It was his first visit to Benhall Infant and Pre-School and when he returned a week after his visit Colin shared with us how much he had been compelled to tell everyone he met about "the wonderful things I saw when I visited Benhall Infant School."
Our week has ended with a crazy colour day. Thank you to the School Council and Miss Bilton for organising such a joyous day. Thank you to all the children who came in their class colours and a huge thank you to all the parents who were able to donate. The highlight was a whole school conga around the school playground and with a bit of encouragement from Ezra onto the field across to St Marks and back through the reception gate!
Have a great weekend.
Love from Miss Morris and the team