School Meals on Census Day – 18th January 2024
Thursday 18th January is School Census Day, the day when information is collected by the Education Department, from each individual school, to determine their school budget for the coming year.
Funding for school is based on a number of factors, one being the uptake of hot school meals in Infant Schools. The more pupils who have a meal on Census Day, the more funding school will receive. As you will all be aware, school budgets are very tight so every little helps and the more funding we receive, means we can provide even more exciting resources in the classroom and extra support where appropriate. Also, if we do not reach at least 87% uptake on Census day, it will mean that school has to subsidise the contract.
For this reason all children in school will be ordered a hot school meal on Thursday 18th January. If your child does not usually have a hot meal and is reluctant to try one you can send in a packed lunch if you wish. The hot dinner will be ordered for them but if they do not wish to try it they will of course have
their packed lunch. Hot school meals are free to all infant aged children.