Pre-School News
In Pre-School this week, some exciting news, Miss Charlotte Davies joined the Pre-School team, she is a very experienced practitioner and we all look forward to working with her.
For the next two weeks our learning focus is ‘Mini Musicians.’ This week we have explored different genres of music and discussed our thoughts on what type of music we like and why, such as making us happy, sad, energetic or sleepy. The children selected some resources to create their own instrument such as shakers or boxes with an elastic band to represent a guitar. In groups we played different instruments and joined in with the song ‘I hear the Band,’ from Music Express playing our instruments quietly at first, then getting louder, then lowering the volume again. We have been singing lots of different number rhymes such as 5 little men in a flying saucer and 10 green bottles. We have had a role play stage area, where we have seen some lovely imaginative play and maybe some budding future musicians or singers. Our Little Wandle Letter and Sound this week has been ‘v.’
We have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sam, Thomas, and Elizabeth.
Next week we continue to be ‘Mini Musicians.’ Pre-School Mummies don’t forget we are celebrating you all, Mothers Day celebration next Thursday 7th March 2pm till 3pm at Pre-School. Have a lovely weekend, The Pre-School Team.